'目で触る: touch with your eyes' was a collaborative project with the Berlin based photographer Hue Hale. The project attempts to visualize this fetishization; objectification and loss of clarity surrounding the photographed individual’s ownership of their body.
Photographer @huehale “wanted to use tentacles to visually represent the viewers who comment or send inappropriate messages (without being prompted) to people on social media about their bodies, therefore objectifying and fetishizing them without consent.”

I helped out on set with the shoot and I modelled the 3D elements with Cinema 4D and edited them into the photos. I loved working with Hue. This is one of the project I am most proud of!


We came up with this idea when brain storming about what being born might be like in the future with In Vitro Fertilisation in mind. We then used sonification (a type of glitching) to break the images. We felt this created a feeling of uneasiness and unfamiliarity to reflect the fear of the future. Some images from this series were exhibited in Limerick as part of an exhibition for The Ragaire Collective. I worked on this with Aoife Moiselle. 

Photo Editing Projects

Photo Editing Projects
