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Falling Letters Typing Game in Python

I wrote this in Python. The program requires you to type the letters as they fall. If a letter hits the ground the program stops. For each correct key, you get one point, and minus one for each incorrect key. The program scores you and calculates your reaction time. Always good to practice typing!
This is just a video of the program during game play and it plays unrealistically fast. To actually play the game you must have Python and run the script. See full script at the bottom.
Here is the code for anyone that has Python and wants to play. You can also download Python for free. It's easy to learn and there are plenty of tutorials out there so there is no excuse not to learn!

#Copy and paste this into a .py and Run>Run Module. The indentations matter!!

from visual import *
from random import random
import string

# This program is a game where the user types the letters that fall before they
# reach the blue ground. A point is awarded for correct key strokes and
# subtracted for incorrect key strokes. The users avg reaction time is displayed.

floor = box(pos=(0,-10,0), size = (40,2,2),
warning = text(pos=(-10,10,10), font = 'Helvetica', text = "Type the letter before it falls!", height = 1, depth = 0.1, color=color.white)
letters = [] #make list to store letters

for i in string.ascii_letters: 
letters.append(i) #fill list with alphabet
target = text(pos=(5,20,0), depth=-0.3,, height = 3) #target text object
score = label(pos=(15,-15,0)) #display score
wrong = label(pos=(-2,-15,0)) #display # of wrong keystrokes
rTime = label(pos=(15,-19,0)) #display reaction time
AVGrtime = label(pos=(-2,-19,0)) #display average reaction time
target.pos = (0,20,0) #initial target position
target.velocity = vector(0,-3,0) #initial target velocity
i = 0 #increments through alphabet
points = 0 #point counter
wrng = 0 #incorrect keystrokes
rT = 0. #reaction time counter
l=[] #list of reaction time
reactionTime = 0. #reaction time
avgRT = 0.

while target.pos.y>-10: rate(100)
target.text = letters[i] #pick a letter
score.text = "Score: "+str(points)
wrong.text = "Wrong: "+str(wrng)
rTime.text = "Reaction Time: "+str(reactionTime)
AVGrtime.text = "Average RT: "+str(avgRT)
target.pos = target.pos+target.velocity*dt #make the letter fall
t = t + dt #increment time
rT = rT + dt

if scene.kb.keys:
s = scene.kb.getkey() #get keystroke

if s is 'backspace':
gameover = label(pos=(0,10,0), text = "Game Over Man")
warning.color = (0,0,0) target.veloctiy = 0
if s is target.text:
reactionTime = rT 
target.pos = (-10+2*10*random(),20,0) #new starting position
target.velocity = target.velocity*1.1 #increase veloctiy
points = points+1 #add one points l.append(reactionTime) 
rT = 0
i = int(round(25*random())) #change to new letter
s = scene.kb.getkey() #get keystroke 
points = points - 1
wrng = wrng + 1
rT = 0
s = scene.kb.getkey() #get keystroke

m = sum(l) #add up list of reaction times 
avg = m/len(l) 
avgRT = round(avg, 4)

warning.color = (0,0,0)
gameover = label(pos=(0,10,0), text = "Game Over Man")

print 'Score: ',points
print 'Wrong: ',wrng
print 'Avg Reaction Time: ',avgRT
Falling Letters Typing Game in Python

Falling Letters Typing Game in Python

Python program I wrote with the help of my friend Amelia. Letters fall and the user types them before they hit the ground. The letters fall faste Read More



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