Profil appartenant à The Graveyard O Cemitério

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various installation projects done for different reasons,
with different people in different wave lenghts of time...
chair intervention @ vila nova de cerveira
totally improvised xéxé performance done for video with César Sousa
public happenning in Lisbon that consisted on glueing rotting vegetables together onto a human sized map of Portugal and watching them decompose for video
interactive public sculpture done during a workshop with LikeaRCHITECTS using 72 chairs from IKEA 
installation done as a Thank You towards the magnificient inhabitants of Vila Nova de Cerveira that kindly gave us a random object from their homes in order for me & César Sousa to create this surrealistic piece inside an abandoned, very creepy, house.
final product for public installation done with the supervision of Penique Productions
plastic bag rat and banana monster meet again
Part of a anthropological research project that consisted in living homeless in the streets of Manchester for 36 hours, half of them like a beggar and the other half selling poetry.
Either it was in Lisbon, Bologna, Barcelona, Tallinn or Manchester all my rooms have the common tendency of becoming very interactive and visually overloaded
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