Profil appartenant à Lucy Counts

Disney Parks & Resorts Buckslips

Disney Parks & Resorts Test Meal Buckslips
My largest Guest-facing projects with Disney were test-meal survey materials called buckslips. I designed posters, table flyers, and small handouts instructing Guests on how to take the surveys and give feedback that would help the restaurant's quality upon opening.
I worked within each location's supplied brand standards to make the materials interesting and eye catching while still being in line with the restaurant's branding to keep them looking official. By making them look more legitimate, Guests were more likely to take them seriously and provide their feedback.
Blaze logo © Blaze Fast Fire'd Pizza
Geyser Point logo © Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
The Polite Pig logo, pig, and barn illustrations © The Polite Pig
Disney Parks & Resorts Buckslips
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Disney Parks & Resorts Buckslips

Survey flyers and posters distributed at Disney Parks and Resorts Test Meals.

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