Sharon McElroy 的个人资料

Narrative Tableau Project

Narrative Tableau Project 5A Final Image
This Narrative Tableau project was to explore the concept of story telling in a photograph. I wanted this image to convey the concept of how we all wear masks at different times. 
Original Image 5A
This was the original unedited image shot in the studio.
Work in Progress 5A
This work in progress utilizes the process of collage to create the desired setting. I later placed a facial image in the mirror to simulate her reflection. Cloning and masking were also utilized as were Camera Raw processing and Photoshop Levels and Curves.
Narrative Tableau Project 5B Final Image
This narrative tableau image was to spoof the concept of we see what we want to see. She sees a table of fine china, silver, and crystal. However she doesn't see what is really there, including the fact that her fella is nothing but a bag of hot air. But in the end she gets what she wants, a one "karat" carrot ring.
Original Image 5B
This is the original unedited image.
Work in Progress 5B
This work in progress utilized cloning and healing in editing. Camera Raw and Photoshop were also used. To produce the final image as seen above, Photoshop Levels and Curves were used. 
Narrative Tableau Project

Narrative Tableau Project
