Hiroki Kawanamis profil

Rolling Stone Special Issue Pink Thunderbird

This is a magazine project made for Print and Publication class. We were assigned to thoughtfully design and professionally print a magazine showcasing the Arkansas State University theatre department’s production of 1959 Pink Thunderbird.

Before beginning this project, I studied an actual magazine 'Rolling Stone'. I carefully looked at how the magazine layout was organized. Then, I drew a sketch based on my observation. I thought it would be funny to make this book as 'Rolling Stone' special issue.

All the classmate created the content together. We assigned our roles based on the content and actually went to the rehearsal of the play and collect materials. After we got all the materials, we shared the information and designed our own books individually.

This is the first graphic design project that I collaborated with others for me. Sometime I felt it would be easier to do it all by myself, but at the same point I felt that it will take a lot of time to do it all by myself. Collaboration is all about communication, and I learned the struggle and importance of that from this project.
Rolling Stone Special Issue Pink Thunderbird

Rolling Stone Special Issue Pink Thunderbird


Kreative områder