This project was carried out for a group of three co-founders who organize traveling art exhibits.
For ArtCircle I created the logo, the coordinated image, the website and various elaborates for the first exhibition.
Description: ArtCircle is an innovative art platform which organises museum-quality pop-up exhibitions worldwide with the aim of promoting Modern and Contemporary Art.It focuses on the close collaboration of internationally renowned curators and art experts, with each bringing their distinctive vision to its programme and creating ‘one off’ exhibitions with a fresh dialogue.The flexibility and mobility of ArtCircle’s model means it operates on shorter timelines than conventional galleries do, allowing it to stage exhibitions across a multitude of locations, ensuring a unique and enriching visitor experience.
ArtCircle is devoted to creating content of cultural value for a wide audience of art-lovers, as well as providing a tailored buying experience and range of services for the enthusiastic collector.
Inspirations: The idea emerged from the union between a rising arrow and a circle that is stucked as if it was a target, creating the letter A. In the logo are in fact distinguishable the letter A, Art and the letter C, Circle.
The realization of a simple and elegant logo has meant that all the elaborates connected to it also retain the same elegant and refined line.
As I said, in addition to the logo I also produced various paperwork for the first exhibition, such as postcards and posters, and I also created the website where the various works of the numerous  artists exhibiting their works are presented.



