Radio Script :30
Client: Nutella
Nutella is just too good. So good in fact that if we placed Nutella in other time periods, certain historic events as we know it might have changed.
WVO: Waitress Voice Over
JWBVO: John Wilkes Booth Voice Over

*restaurant noises, light chatter, clinking glasses and silverware on plates*

WVO: More Nutella Mr. Booth?

JWBVO: Yes please, more coffee too.

WVO: Of course.

*swinging door sound*

WVO: Here you go, are you going to the play tonight?

JWBVO: Yes, I am!

WVO: Oh, I hear the president is going to be there! -pause- more Nutella?

JWBVO: Yes please. I might miss ACT I, but I would like to finish my Nutella first...

*swinging door sound*

WVO: Here you are, more coffee?

JWBVO: No, but I would love some more Nutella.

WVO: Right, but I’m afraid you might miss the play if you stay much longer.
I think ACT III is about to start and-

JWBVO: That’s actually quite alright. I would rather be here enjoying my Nutella...

VO: If John Wilkes Booth had Nutella, maybe Lincoln could have enjoyed the play. Nutella. You won’t want anything else.


Radio Spot :30
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Radio Spot :30

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