12 Ophelias
USC School of Dramatic Arts 
Theatre Poster
Thumbnail of poster.
Refined sketch.

Mocking up what the poster would look like. This is what was sent to the director of the play as well as the School of Dramatic Arts Communications Director for approval before the actual production of the poster.
Now for the fun part! PAINTING!

This was the raw illustration done with gouache.
The director ended up expressing that he didn't want Ophelia to look so menacing and wanted Ophelia to look more 'sultry' so I ended up editing her face using photoshop. 

This version was approved.
After the image was approved, I placed all of the billing info as well as the title treatment.
Of course the last step was to actually get the poster and programs printed. 

I hope you enjoyed the process of this poster!
12 Ophelias

12 Ophelias

Poster produced for the USC School of Dramatic Arts production of the 12 Ophelias.

