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TRUEJUICE | Cold-pressed juice

True to people - True to juice

Truejuice is a cold-pressed juice shop that uses premium organic ingredients to help people truly live healthier, truly feel better through supplying them with daily fresh raw vegetable and fruit juice. To spread the nutritional and life changing benefits of high quality fresh juice to Vietnamese.

Design, Illustration & Retouching: NGUYEN QUYNH MAI
Photography & Content: TRUEJUICE

Why raw food?
It is preferable to eat 50-75% of our whole foods (including fruits and vegetables) raw in order to obtain maximum nutritional value and benefits. Vietnamese generally do not consume so much raw food.

All vegetable and fruits and everything make up Truejuice are raw, uncooked and no heat involved. This makes sure all the valuable nutrient-rich and live enzymes intact. No heat, no pasteurization, no heavy processes. Just pure, raw, freshly extracted juice for your daily consumption.

Natural & Organic
Truejuice seeks from the best available local organic produce, aiming 100% seasonal organic vegetable, (or at least Vietgap standard), with fruits either locally sourced or imported.

Cold pressed daily
Our juice is always made fresh, daily and to be consumed best within the day.
We cold press our juice instead of using traditional fast centrifugal juicers to make sure we get the most of nutrients from our carefully selected vegetable and fruits.

0% added sugar, water or addictives
We never add sugar in any form to our juice.
We never add water to our juice.
We only use raw vegetable and fruits. Everything goes into the juice will be listed in the Ingredient list. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The concept of Truejuice's bottle


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TRUEJUICE | Cold-pressed juice
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TRUEJUICE | Cold-pressed juice

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