Joanna Tyborowska's profile

WYLĘGARNA – exhibition branding 2017

Wylęgarnia – exhibition branding
Student Diploma Exhibition Branding 2017 – WYLĘGARNIA (eng. hatchery)

Wylęgarnia definicja: 1. miejsce, w którym się coś rozmnaża w dużej ilości, 2. środowisko w którym coś bierze początek

Wylęgarnia definition: 1. a place where something is bread in large amounts, 2. a place, where something begins

The word “hatchery” by definition means a place of mass breeding, and a place where something begins. Both of these definitions fit as the theme of the annual exhibition of student diploma projects of the Art Institute in Tarnów. The Institute breeds new talents every year, it is here where the students journey in art and design begins. The poster was created also as an animated gif, allowing the photographed hands of the artists to be set in a pulsating motion. The tilted yellow square which dominates the center of the composition is a strong association with the logo of the Art Institute, also built around a square.

The branding consisted of a (1) poster, (2) web materials (giff, fb cover foto), (3) web and printed invitation, (4) project descriptions for exhibition presenting the author and concept, and the (5) exhibition folder.

WYLĘGARNA – exhibition branding 2017


WYLĘGARNA – exhibition branding 2017
