
The Great Depression

Title: The Great Depression
I think this is what depression feels like.
It feels empty, vulnerable and raw.
It's that crippling sadness you get at 3 in the morning, feeling that you're not good enough for anything or anyone. 
All you can really do is embrace yourself in a pathetic attempt to calm your inner demons. 
Some people don't really think that depression's real but it is for others. It's what they see in the mirror everyday. It's what they try to stave off by smiling and trying to feel okay. But as a psych major, I feel compelled to remind others that depression is very much real and it attacks you when you're alone and most vulnerable.
So if you think you know someone that's suffering from a psychological disorder, don't tell them it's all in the mind or everything will be okay. Just be there for them because sometimes, it's enough.
The Great Depression

The Great Depression

