Sitting down to write these stories was something I had been wanting to do for a long time.

I grew up in very different circumstances than most in the United States, in regards to both lifestyle and interests. I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness which is a religion that is all encompassing in regards to the time and energy one takes to live their life as a witness. They're not involved in much of the world’s affairs which in turn made me naive in many ways. I was also raised with a love for animals which lent itself to comical events. 

Hanging out with friends and others, talking about growing up and relating my personal stories put into perspective how different maturation was for me was. Things that happened during that time lent themselves to goofy stories that I felt were unique to me. I was the secretly gay, animal loving, Godzilla-Sailor-Moon-Sonic-the-Hedgehog-toting, air-headed, Jehovah’s Witness. I routinely found myself in a pickle that only a person of severe weirdness or being a goober would be able to find themselves in. 

I hope that you as a reader enjoy laughing at me as much as I did at myself when these events occurred, because if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? 

Rara Avis Book

Rara Avis Book

My thesis revolved around goofy stories in my life that I felt needed to be illustrated and written about. Rara Avis means "rare bird" in latin, Read More
