Jimmy Truong profili

Abstract Geometric Movement

​​​​​​​Abstract Geometric Movement

A charcoal series that features abstractions of various objects, and entices movement into and out of the piece concurrently.
​​​​​​​Ultimate – 14' x 10.5'

The Fold – 6' x 4'

Supernova – 6' x 4'

Waterfall – 6' x 4'

Wave – 6' x 4'

Critical Mass – 6' x 4'

Web – 6' x 4'

This exhibit is called Abstract Geometric Movement. It is a charcoal-based body of work that focuses on the idea of pulling viewers inwards toward the piece, as well as pushing outwards at the same time. The exhibit shows this not only in each piece individually, but collectively as a whole as well.

The body of work has high movement and fluidity, which draws the viewer's eye along the piece and through every segment. The idea of moving inwards and outwards creates a sense of tension and stretching, but also balance as the movement eventually converges back into itself.

Each piece has a singular object or theme that is expressed abstractly and holds deeper meaning. The body of work has been developed with close support from the talented Sarah Flohr, and has been developed over the course of a couple years. 

Overall, the body of work attempts to move viewers physically, visually, and intellectually.

Abstract Geometric Movement
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Abstract Geometric Movement

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