Verathon BladderScan

Verathon BladderScan

Verathon is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of medical devices. They provide reliable healthcare solutions that help providers in more than 60 countries and regions, delivering a higher standard of clinical and economic utility for those they serve. The Verathon BladderScan is a portable 3D ultrasound scanner that measures and analyzes bladder volume. It assists medical professionals in caring for postoperative patients and preventing unnecessary catheterization.

Verathon partnered with Tactile to help modernize the BladderScan form without compromising the product architecture and features by keeping the end user in mind throughout the design process. In order to update the way the device is used, we needed to understand the changing landscape of who uses it and the variety of patients. We met with a consulting doctor and reviewed actual use-case scenarios for the technicians who would use the device every day. Through observational research and interviews, we came away with a list of questions and set to work on the solutions. We made significant changes, such as updating the screen from a push button/soft key interface to a touchscreen.

Verathon BladderScan

Project Made For

Verathon BladderScan

Verathon is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of medical devices. They provide reliable healthcare solutions that help providers in more th Read More
