Liza Yakunina's profile

Personal Smart Product | CA Chief & Assistant

Product for life. What it can be?
There are many actions that are performed by a person during the day. Some of them are specific and not ordinary, but there are those without which each person can not exist. One of them is food intake. This act is performed by a person even several times a day. 
Food is one of important living conditions of the person. It is the power source allowing him to work actively, a basis of functional activity of all bodies and systems of an organism, a means of exchanging of substances between a live organism and the environment. 
However, there is not enough time to cook something tasty and healthy because of the high speed of life. People eat more often outdoors and don’t manage to watch the food. Coming tired home, they eat what has got or don’t eat at all.
Though people also have time for constantly healthy food, presently more and more populyany is a healthy lifestyle. There is a set of programs of healthy food, special applications for tracking of calories and etc. But they do not work for all hundred percent, people forget about them, do not use constantly and all these innovations become useless.
Whether something can change this situation? How it has to influence the person? How it has to look? And the main question is how it has to work? Can we create such conditions  for the person, which change your represent about cooking, eating and spending time in the kitchen?
It is necessary to think up a thing which change human life, will simplify it and the most important will improve!
The goal is the future!

Presently life becomes more and more technological and my idea of the future looks absolutely differently, than now.
If to think of what technologies surround us at present at home, these are our devices, mobile phone, computer, speakers and various electronics and machines, which are always at home, such as the washing machine, a microwave, the refrigerator, the TV and etc. All of them naturally simplify our life and do improve it as we spend time for a ware sink, deleting of things, cooking less, but we can’t call these products smart. They have certain functions which they can carry out, but they can’t adapt to each person on, they aren’t able to think and analyze and that if to present that each subject possesses such data which will help to direct their work to advantage of a certain person. The washing machine will know that you need to dress tomorrow and it will wash it, the refrigerator will remember what products you like to eat every morning and to order independently them in shop and so on.

Final Idea:
This is the Chief. It can be your helper and friend, always connect with you and give you advices about your food intake and for cooking. Chief will stay always at home and wait you for connecting and speaking.Because of the compactness (5cm x 5cm x 6cm) you can use it not only at home, it can trevel with you. Thanks to the design it will perfectly look in any interior. The surface has different textures and materials. All case is made from matte black metal with glossy black plastic parts. On the top you can see metal boards, they are necessary for connection other part of this product.

Personal Smart Product | CA Chief & Assistant

Personal Smart Product | CA Chief & Assistant
