In this assignment, I was asked to create an advertisement for Yong Fu Temple, a Chinese tea brand looking to promote their product to consumers in the UK.

Yong Fu sells traditional green tea produced by monks at a remote Chinese temple.

While the cultures of the UK and China are extremely different, both share a deep reverence for tea and the rituals surrounding it. This advert draws parallels between the two worlds, making Chinese tea more accessible to British consumers.

The advertisement is designed to be displayed on bus shelters and signs throughout various city centers. It can also be applied to print media, such as magazines.

I created the concept, directed, shot, and edited the photography, wrote the copy, and put together the page layout for this advert. Special thanks to my husband Dom for being my hand model and helping me brainstorm concepts!
Yong Fu Tea Advert

Yong Fu Tea Advert

Advertisement for Yong Fu Temple tea.
