Natasha Viljoen profili

Artworks for Afrikaburn Survival Guide 2017

The amazing Jeanne Fourie invited some South African designers to gift artworks towards a collaborative 'survival guide' for South Africa's Afrikaburn. We each got given a chapter to illustrate. Mine were 'camping' and 'decommodification' and I loved the process of exploring these ideas! Nice to do some illustration work again, too. 
Inspiration: every woman who's ever gazed up at the stars and seen freedom.
"We are either going to have a future where women lead the way to make peace with the Earth or we are not going to have a human future at all." -  Vandana Shiva
Inspiration: Tadanori Yokoo and emoji's
"In nature's economy the currency is not money, it is life" - Vandana Shiva
I am deeply honoured to have one of my artworks on the cover- and in 3 languages nogal. 

Check out all the amazing artworks by some very talented designers here
Artworks for Afrikaburn Survival Guide 2017
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Artworks for Afrikaburn Survival Guide 2017

Illustrated artworks designed for Afrikaburn survival guide 2017 around the themes of camping and decommodification.

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