realtime sound reactive 4d quaternion Julia fractal raytracing in GLSL, logic written in ANSI C and C++.
a capture straigt out of GPU of Julia dancing to Gluetooth by Hudson Mohawke, no color post processing to the video whatsoever.
visuals written in GLSL. effects created using realtime ambient occlusion, ambient light, specularity.
2^10 texture [ 1024 x 1024 px ]
audio stream data affects (direct representation and randomization triggers) background flicker, the color spread of the fractal surface, the blue channel of the surface color, iterations (depth), camera rotation, camera zoom.
meanwhile camera rotation around x and y axis is affected by linear iterators and quaternion cx, cy, cz multiplications are affected by sine type LFOs.

all images here are snapshots from realtime renderings.
no post processing to the images was applied, as that would defeat the purpose of the realtime you - see - what - code - gives - you approach.


realtime sound reactive 4d quaternion Julia fractal raytracing
