Irving Gil's profile

Canine Companions for Independence

This month our assignment was to create an ad campaign for a non-profit. I chose Canine Companions for Independence (CCI). They raise the best service dogs in the country and have a program to help Disabled veterans get a service dog. I chose them because I am a disabled veteran and I love to help my fellow brothers and sisters in arms. It holds a special place in my heart, especially since 22 veterans commit suicide every day. This campaign tells a narrative from the dogs perspective. The dog wants to grow up and be a canine companion. It wants to help those in need. The tone to be set is one that is casual and warm. The goal of the campaign is to increase the number of volunteers from 2,200 to 5,000 in 4 years.
Here are the personas I made for my campaign. Two very different people but the goal is the same, raise puppies for the disabled.
At first, I had ads like this, bold and bright, and the puppy is speaking to the audience. The problem was the copy. There was too much information and the graphics were too distracting. While I do like the composition, this ad was not effective and I went in another direction. 
This continues to have the same copy as the last ad. This a clean design with the same concept. The puppy is thinking " Raise me to help others". It is looking deep into the viewer's eyes and is killing you with cuteness. The Labrador and Retriever breeds are the ones used by Canine Companions for Independence. So they are the stars of the ad campaign. 
This ad speaks to those who are serving or have served in the military. Us veterans serve our country both at home and abroad. We all can do our part to serve our communities.
All these ads tie together nicely, and all say the same thing. Raise puppies and save lives. By uplifting others in our communities, we can all have a better tomorrow. Our loved ones, a veteran suffering from PTSD, or a stranger; we can all help each other and raise up the lives. With all the hard work I put in, I am jubilant with this campaign, and I know I have grown in my skills since month 1 of the program.
These were some ads that got scrapped for a myriad of different reason, but I wanted to show my rationale for the future of the campaign. The graphics used were too much or it wasn't setting the right tone. This is where I started, and the direction changed radically.
Canine Companions for Independence

Canine Companions for Independence

Campaign for non-profit group
