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Great 2 Color Combinations That Can Work For Your Websi

Great 2 Color Combinations That Can Work For Your Website
What draws a person or graphic designer to choose specific color combinations for a website color or web design? In my opinion, I think it entirely depends on the feel on the type of the business through its concept and the overall feel one gets from this.
Designers are creatively inspired beings. As a result, it is up to their imaginative impulses and thought processes which determine the outcome of a design.
Having said that, here are a few quick tips to use 2 colors in the composition of a logo design or web design. Simultaneously, the value of the logo does not depreciate with over-use of colors rather it stands out and becomes noticeable. Generally speaking, the more colors you experiment with on a design the messier it looks. Similarly, an ambiguous looking design will not draw that WOW factor to your brand. However, adding white color in a logo design may have a positive spin and adds to the grace of it.
Referring to the PANTONE Colour Institute color combinations, I am suggesting my 10 best 2 color combinations for logos with reference to their color swatches. Feel free to experiment with your own color combinations, as we are as uniquely different in color preferences as our website color designs we create.
What ZAPRO Think About Colors?
With this in mind, I draw your attention to an earlier article written this week by Jennifer Connell, titled: Color your world: mobile apps for color palettes. In this article, she covers the top 5 mobile apps used by graphic designers.
Most of the designers use Adobe color cc, for color combinations and they already have numerous ready-made color schemes. Meanwhile, today’s guide aims at beginners, novice designers, and learners. Simplicity is the keynote to smartness and ultimate sophistication is to keep in mind when coloring your designer world.
The designer’s aim should be to keep it simple rather than forcing color creativity. Emphasis on the design speaks for itself approach. I hope these combinations will be helpful.
I am keen to hear your voice by your rating of this article. Share your design combinations with us on our social channels and let us know what combination you are going to use in your current or upcoming design project. Subscribe to our blog for more insightful and entertaining best posts.
Edna Hammami

Great 2 Color Combinations That Can Work For Your Websi

Great 2 Color Combinations That Can Work For Your Websi
