A Waze Voicepacks That Helps Us Drive Safer
Malaysia is ranked 17th in the world for 'most dangerous roads'. The biggest culprit, our smartphones. 
Maxis, as a telco company asked us to come up with a solution that help people drive safer with their smartphone. We noticed that when there's a kid in the car, we put down our phones, always buckle up, and drive at a safer speed. To encourage safer driving at all times, we decided to put a kid in every car. Virtually.

We contacted Waze, and created the world's first GPS voice pack using kids' voices to give directions and traffic alerts. It was a crazy 5 month long project from ideation to fruition, but totally worth it. Waze fell in love with it, and decided to make this a global campaign. Over 800,000 downloads during the campaign period, 20% of which came from the US. The biggest satisfaction from this project, if you ask me, is when I took cabs, many of the drivers are using the voice pack and they all loved the idea.
Brand: Maxis Telecommunications
ECD: Mun TuckWai, Chan WoeiHern
Writer: Chan Woeihern, Ruzen Chung
Art: Norman Tang / Yves Wan
Tech Partner: Waze
Film Director: Belz

Production House: SixtyMac
Festival of Media Global Best Insight Bronze
Asia Marketing Effectiveness - Bronze, Mobile Media Strategy
Mumbrella Awards Best for Innovation, Commendation for Insight, Shortlist for Campaign of the Year
MARKies Best Mobile Idea
Media Specialist Awards - Best Use of Digital, Silver
Featured in Waze Inspiration Room
Appies Finalist
Effies 2016 - Bronze - Telco, Finalist - Media
BestAdsOnTV Interactive ad of the week
Featured on the Today show in US
Marketing & Interactive magazine best Raya campaign shortlist

Maxis Safemode

Maxis Safemode


Creative Fields