Miscarriage, as part of the media narrative, is generally only revealed after the successful conception and/or birth of a child.We're far more superstitious about miscarriage, far more self-persecuting, far more prone to keep it a shameful secret, than virtually any other aspect of parental experience. And that, frankly, is dangerous.Miscarriage is so rarely talked about that many of us may not even know what it involves, other than the loss of a pregnancy.But the point needs to be made — a huge amount of pregnancies aren't going to make it, and it's cruel to make so many women suffer in silence.So let's make discussion of miscarriage a normal thing. Keeping it as a whispers-in-the-sidelines, Her-Secret-Tragedy-headline issue is not preserving privacy, healing pain, or helping sufferers. It's just compounding feelings of guilt, isolation, and helplessness — and letting people air their experience more openly can only help to dismiss ignorance and shed light where it's badly needed.

