Profiel van Louise Hamer

Darkstar Leatherworks

Darkstar Leatherworks

Darkstar Leatherworks are expert craftsmen of leather goods, catering for both motorcycle enthusiasts and lovers of fine leather products. Inspired by a personal passion to create with Leather, what began as a hobby quickly evolved into a thriving and successful business.


The team at Darkstar approached us at a pivotal stage in their business. After trading successfully for a relatively small amount of time, they realised they needed to address both their identity and online experience to ensure the best representation of their brand and to support their growth ambitions.


The first area to address was the evolution of the Darkstar Leatherworks identity. Our creative process enabled us to explore the team's ideas and ambitions, which were supported by our own extensive research and planning. After this initial discovery process we worked closely to iterate concept ideas, leading to the development of a new identity that utilised a bespoke typeface, clean lines and featured a standalone mark to give flexibility across a range of digital and offline mediums. 

For the new website we wanted to create a stripped back shopping experience that let the products take centre stage, with simple UI controls, use of negative space and a monochromatic colour scheme, all supported by new lifestyle and product imagery shot specifically for the website.

Darkstar Leatherworks

Darkstar Leatherworks
