Chris Miller profili

Laserscape Painting Trays

Laserscape Painting Trays
This project aimed to design a new range of painting and modelling tools to 
increase the efficiency and enjoyment when painting miniatures.

The range is designed around the idea of having multiple projects on the go at once and keeping the models tidy and dust free while they're not being worked on. The solution was a set of easily collapsible stacking boxes topped off with a portable work surface. 

This allows brushes, paints, models and tools to be quickly moved from a surface (such as a dining table or computed desk) and then returned later with minimal set up time.
Medium 28cm Design
The main design is the medium desk tray with a number of modelling boxes. 
This kit is best used for multiple small modelling or painting projects. 

For example it can be used as a clean up area for assembling models as it prevents plastic shavings getting all over your main painting area. It can also be used as a 
portable work surface for painting in front of the TV or with family. 

The boxes provide additional dust-free storage for tools and models, allowing 
you to have multiple active projects at once in a small space. They stack 
with guide rails on each side that prevent them from sliding or toppling. 

Each box can comfortably hold up to 120 Vallejo style dropper bottles or 144 new style Citadel pots (double stacked) so plenty of room to use them as dedicated paint storage too. 
Large 54cm Design
The second design is the large desk tray. Designed to be the main work station and painting area it has twice as much room as the medium tray and also has two brush/ knife holders. Like all the designs it is fully collapsible as it assembles without glue. 

While the medium tray is great for smaller projects it struggles a bit when working on large models and vehicles which is where this design shines, plenty of room for paints and brushes on the main area with smaller model parts sitting safely on the shelf above. 

Laserscape Painting Trays
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Laserscape Painting Trays

Laserscape Painting Trays

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