My Shadow Box
For this assignment, I had to create a shadowbox based on a moment of my past. I decided to choose a time of my life when I would visit the countryside often to see my family. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents there. I loved it. I enjoyed the fresh air, the quiet, the peace. I wanted to live there. So, for my shadowbox I created a country theme. To see how I created it, scroll below!
For this project, I needed:
-A shadow box, (shown below)
-Foam Board
-Scroll saw
-Hot glue gun
-Paint (white and blue)
-Paint brushes
-Small battery powered light
I bought this box from Michael's Craft store.
I wanted to paint it white. To do so, I first put tape around the edges to protect the glass.
I painted 2 coats of white paint around the frame. I put paper under the box in case of any spills/drips.
Once it dried, I pulled off the tape. This was the result.
I wanted to recreate this picture of my brother and I when we were young. I scanned and printed the photo, to draw on. I transferred the silhouette onto foam board by putting the photo print onto the board. Then, I traced the outline with a pencil, pressing deeply to create a dent in the foam board where needed. 
I added some layers of hills and a tree to the scene. I cut out each layer using a scroll saw and scissors. Then, I painted the first layer blue, then added white to the paint each time I painted another layer. This created a gradient effect. 
To stick all the layers together, I used a hot glue gun.
I then created a hole at the top of the shadowbox, in the shape of my light. To cut out the hole, I used a drill.
I then inserted my light. It fit perfectly.
Final Product
Around the frame, I added some stickers and my shadowbox was complete!
Here is what it looks like in the dark with the light shining through. I think the result turned out quite nice.

My Shadow box

My Shadow box


Creative Fields