Matthew Kettle, Dominic Lau, Belinda Gatt, Long Tran, Yi Da Tng and Natalie Webber

NCR Corporation

To enhance ATM security while preventing ATM fraud.

Despite the efforts of financial institutions and the ATM Industry, rising ATM crime patterns continue to be a problematic issue. Our pro-active and multi layered approach to ATM Security focuses on the prevention of ATM fraud. The main interaction factors considered throughout the design process include trust, situation awareness, skill set requirements, recovery from system failure and accessibility. Through research, observations and experiments we have come up with a number of solutions which tackle three major ATM scams including card skimming, lebanese loop and shoulder surfing. As we developed strategies, we divided our ideas into two major themes:
subconscious adaptation* and user awareness**

*subconscious adaptation refers to concepts and ideas that aim to enhance the user experience, increasing their overall security without alerting them of dangers around them. In these solutions we looked at a variety of different methods and mediums to utilize the environment and the ATM itself.

**user awareness involves ideas which warn or inform users of potential hazards present in their environment. These solutions focus on communicating the problem to the user and involve the use of multiple dicsiplines and technology.

As a group we conducted a number of experiments and exercises which helped us understand how users interact with ATMs and the issues their actions create. Through our observations, we noticed the following:

When considering ATM fraud prevention, it is also important to look at the psychology of space surrounding an ATM, including factors such as gap distance in a queue, privacy, boundary norms and personal space. 

PERSONAL STORAGE (subconscious adaptation solution)
Through our observational research we noticed a common trend of users holding something in their non-dominant hand while using ATMS, whether it be a wallet, purse, handbag or something else. This strategy is designed to free hand space allowing users to shield the keypad with their free hand.
VISUAL GRAPHICS (subconscious adaptation solution)
From our observational and experimental research we were able to see the subconscious effects of simple graphics on pedestrians as they interact with ATMs and the environment around them. With the assistance of visual aids, the flow of pedestrian traffic and the distance individuals stand between each other can be directed to certain degrees of success. Consequently, we discussed ways to develop spatial barriers using visual graphics to separate the ATM user from surrounding people, creating a safer and more segregated environment that combats against shoulder surfing.
REFLECTIVE SURFACES (subconsious adaptation solution)
ATM fraud can be a sneaky crime, as most ATM users are unaware when or where fraud is occuring. Shoulder surfing is one ATM security threat that needs to be addressed. One way which can aid in user awareness to help prevent shoulder surfing is the use of reflective surfaces. Although mirrors are currently in place in most ATMs, the need to create more emphasis on self surveillance is a cheap and effective way to do so. There are many ways in which this can be done; possible design options shown in the images above.
CAMERA FEEDBACK (user awareness solution)
In our efforts to prevent and reduce shoulder surfing, we looked at ways to expose the shoulder surfer to the ATM user, whilst also informing the shoulder surfer that he/she is being seen. Inspired by the use of reflective surfaces, we explored the use of camera feedback as a method of visual awareness. As we developed different ideas to reveal the surroundings of the ATM to the user using camera feedback, we recognised the potential to also inform the user of security vulnerabilities, encouraging them to shield their keypads.
SHEATHED CARD (user awareness solution)
For a long term solution to prevent skimming, we explored the idea of having a card enclosed back to front with a cover. Once the card is inserted, the cover is removed from the inside allowing the system to scan and identify it. Alternatively, a clear casing attached to the ATMs cardslot could be used to make it significantly more difficult to attach skimming devices.
MICROSOFT SURFACE (user awareness solution)
Microsoft Surface is a type of surface computing that sees and responds to touch and real world objects. It makes content more engaging, allowing users to connect and customize the device to suit each individuals needs. The interface display is able to recognize fingers, hands and objects, such as a bank card, placed on the screen. By combining Microsoft Surface with a simple, streamlined ATM design it would effectively reduce card skimming and make it very noticeable if a foreign object is placed upon the ATM. The ability to connect and interact with the device in such a quick and simple way makes it user friendly and accessible for any user.


To enhance ATM usability and security while preventing ATM fraud.
