How and why Catalan Modernism could be applied to contemporary Interior Design in Barcelona
Self-initiated final major project
The goal of this project is to investigate the principles of Catalan Modernisme and produce a methodology of applying those principles in contemporary objects. Evidently, using an old architectural movement or any other old art movement to create something new, is a concept far from new. The idea is that, apart from promoting the cultural history of Catalonia by creating links with the past, it could be a useful tool for designers to create references in their work with the place their work is intended for. Instead of having self-referenced design products, there could be products that correspond to the cultural and aesthetical history of the people designed for. In addition, nowadays, there is a general turn to nature and Catalan Modernism finds inspiration to natural shapes and forms. People seek nature in order to increase their quality of life and Catalan Modernisme could cover the aesthetic
part of this pursuit.
MA Thesis
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MA Thesis

In order to implement the principles of Catalan Modernisme in contemporary interior design it is, first, important to identify those principles. Lire la suite

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