SUPERBUG is an interactive installation generating a virtual ecosystem. It's an ephemeral insect generator, each time producing a new specie. The specator can, thanks to a simple controller, generate an infinite amount of beetles, which can never be generated twice. He can then save them in a virtual encyclopedia. Superbug is an experimentation in progress, looking forward to create living entities from data specific to a date, a place, people attending this particular event, and creates from it a new piece of life, unstable, born from this gathering, which can then be studied like a group of individuals from the animal kingdom : with a territory, an apparition, mutations, and finally, a disapearing. 

SuperBug was showed at the GIF JAM x Vagina Dentata in Montreuil, France for the first time. 
People could play with generator and save some of the instects, after giving them a name.
Mutations were happening depending on the hour of the generations, life physical deformations, duplicated abdomens, of strange patterns.

4 particular species were born from this event : 

Marbrus Dentatis :
Fond of concrete and inert, cold and toothy materials, it nestles in turn tables and crummy beams.

Digitalis Vidjingus : 
The result of the improbable cross between a graphics card and an Installation of contemporary art, it dazzles the innocent with its magma led hd cathodic-based antennas .

Vaginis Soundsystemus : 
Nocturnal dragonfly , it is often found glued to the wobbly lights of alternative debauchery, self-produced, and free-priced sound-based events.

Giphis Fussoirus : 
In perpetual search of food, he likes the counters of Parisian bars in search of crumbs of chips and peanuts. It is often decimated by puddles of beer in which it falls regularly, causing mysterious power cuts.


