Behind Blue Eyes
Charcoal Drawing by Gary Rudisill
This is a 21"x16" Charcoal drawing on Canson Mi-Teintes paper. This was created to donated to the Children's Miracle Network in Hershey PA for their silent auction at their annual "The Miracle Ball" on November 17,2012

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals® is an international non-profit organization that saves the lives of children by raising funds and awareness for more than 170 children’s hospitals. Children’s Miracle Network benefits Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital and serves the Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon and York region. Children's Miracle Network has raised more than $44 million since it began in 1984. Funds raised stay local to help to purchase life saving equipment and support vital patient programs, services and pediatric research at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital.

When creating this piece, I did not want to portray sorrow or pain, but concern. I wanted to be eye catching, so the intent was to make it in my traditional style of black and white, but this time to add blue just to the eyes. I felt the eyes were a direct focal point anyways but wanted to really throw it over the top by adding the color to them only.

Here I wanted to start with the eyes and midtone shadows.
Here I added in some of the background, hair and some facial features.
Here I began mapping out the hair and added in the brows and eyelashes.
Now I started cutting in the darker shadows while slowly adjusting the overall shading and detail.
While continuing on the darker shadows I begin to finalize the hair.
And finally it all begins to fall into place and come together.
Behind Blue Eyes
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Behind Blue Eyes

Behind Blue Eyes 21"x16" Charcoal Drawing

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