In my 'Graphic Design for Games' sophomore year my final exam was to create app mock-up using InVision where we used gamification to make a mundane everyday task more exciting.

For my everyday task I chose something we do on a daily basis and is a source of inconvenience and discomfort for many...
Headlining this app would be these little mascots.
Little customizable urethra's.

The original idea was to make an app that distracted the user from needing to use the restroom whenever they were stuck in an un-ideal situation, such as a car ride or a plane flight. 

Something to help ebb the tide of discomfort one feels when they need to pee, but can't.  
My first mock-up reflected this with a timer that rated you based on how long you spent holding your piss. However there were a lot of things that didn't quite work  as well as I was hoping. 

For fun or not the idea of creating an app that scored people based on how long they've not used the restroom could lead to situations where people harmed themselves in attempts to beat the high scores of friends. Not very fun.

So instead the next iteration of the project (done as an exercise for fun 2 years later) moved away from the 'timer' concept to instead simply provide distractions, games, and the ability to 'tag' locations where you've used the restroom.
This project has always been a blast to work on and I'm sure I'll return to it soon someday when I have the time. In the meantime use the restroom regularly and responsibly.
Hold Your Piss
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