Innoio AiRXEL Experience Design

Innoio AiRxel Experience
Airxel Brand Renewal Development

The purpose of the project was upgrading the brand and corporation’s  value. To achieve the goal, we suggested the bettered direction for the website and brand identity to deliver the consistent experiences to users. 

Design the BI and usage guide to keep their brand identity. Product and packaging also applied the guide and then we suggested the improved direction for the website by the guide.
BI Design - Bi Guide - Product Design - Web Site Renewal Guide - Promotion Design

Design the BI and usage guide to keep their brand identity. Product and packaging also applied the guide and then we suggested the improved direction for the website by the guide.

BI Guide
Airxel Brand Identity Design includes the usage guide of BI and suggest the examples by situations.

Product Design
Proceed the package design by the guide to deliver consistent experience to users.

Web Site Renewal Guide
We reflect Innoio’s identity and goals into the design which is develop products with innovative and human-centered ideas. We provided the optimized and high-legible design to deliver satisfying and happiness on the key visuals and promotion images by the frame. The frame is designed what users are able to experience Innoio’s value. 

Promotion Design
Promotion design is included brand identity. Therefore we designed promotion design according to brand’s guideline(regulations).

Client & UX Team
Innoio Han Jae-Sang Jake Choi

UI Planner 
Lee Chang-Hee
GUI Design 
Won Joong-Hyuk 
Kang Seung-Hyun 
Je Mi-Hye

Innoio and we met as a partner and this project gave us many concerns to design the  brand experience. Otherwise designing the website had specified requests from Innoio so the process was very smooth. But our role on the designing website was only possible to suggest the design guideline to adjust whole pages so some pages were not designed what we intended. Especially Airxel won the silver prize in IDEA2015 award about the product design so we felt heavy responsibility to design brand identity. We used the Airxel to understand it well and tried to set the brand’s right direction. We spend lots of time to deduct and discuss ideas to design best one. As a result, it was sorry what they choose the different one that was not our recommend.Even thought they choose the design that was not our recommend it was nice experience to look back our design process and we processed it joyful. 


Innoio AiRXEL Experience Design

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Innoio AiRXEL Experience Design

Innoio AiRxel Experience Airxel Brand Renewal Development Overviews The purpose of the project was upgrading the brand and corporation’s  valu Mehr anzeigen
