- Deep black frame
- Hot glue gun (glue)
- Old comics
- Anything you want to glue inside box (for me: CD, mini clock, vampire fangs with blood, mascara, nail polish, sunglasses, tampon, bandaid, earphones, condom, a lock, dead flowers. 

The purpose of this project was to create a shadow box that is personal for yourself. It could be about your past, present, your future dreams/goals, anything. I decided to explore my past teenage years and my theme was teen angst. The props I used where all things I thought represented my high school years. 

I struggled with gluing in the heavier objects but I solved this by using a ton of hot glue. 

If I had more time I would have liked to make it larger and add more things. 
Step 1: Gather everything I wanted to put into my shadow box using the hot glue gun.
Step 2: Without gluing I arranged the things inside my shadow box to see what looked best where. 
Step 3: I glued in the Tom and Gerry comics as the background. 
Step 4: I glued the larger, more eye catching objects first to balance it out. 
Step 5: I wrapped the earphones around the box last, and added the dripping blood. So, here it is!
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