visual diary of a trip 
The black dots mark the design and art related places, the pink dots mark the collateral damage of spare time and weak character. 
TRA was the name of the temporary exibition held at the Palazzo Fortuny gallery. Needless to say, it was utterly awesome; the dark blue rectangle was exhibition's sign. 
When in Venice, spritz is inevitable. But the question remains - with Aperol or with Campari?
Morning quest for breakfast: coffee, water, cigarettes. We couldn't find the freshly squeezed orange juice. 
The cemetery of Brion family in San Vito d'Altivole just outside Venice is one of the final works of great (really, great!) architect Carlo Scarpa. Scarpa himself being an atheist, he didn't use any crosses on the grave or chapel, just + signs. All the structures on the cemetery are strictly rectangular, only the Guiseppe Brion's tomb - to ephesise its meaning - is spherical; hence this spread. 
It's nice to encounter prosciutto sliced so thinly one can actually see through it. We ate the prosciutto and used tracing paper for the book. 
   / 2011 /
Opcija 2

Opcija 2

Visual diary of a trip to Venice / hand binding / school project / 2012
