Bulgarian music and dialects (publication)
At the end of 2016, we published a bilingual, Czech-Bulgarian popular science book entitled Bulgarian Music and Dialects / Българските музикалнофолклорни диалекти. The author of the book is our collaborator from Bulgaria - Doc. Veselka Tončeva, Ph.D. and the translation into Czech was provided by PhDr. Milena Přikrylová. The book is illustrated with colored black and white pencil drawings by Sevdalina Kovářová Kostadinova. The illustrations are inspired by old archival black and white photographs.
Folklore and traditional folk crafts are very inspiring for me. They are saving in themselves important information for our culture and origin. That’s way I use a lot of traditional elements in my art and try to carry and share their messages with my public.
Pencil Drawings


Pencil Drawings
