Anne Whiston Spirn 的個人檔案

West Philadelphia Landscape Project

The West Philadelphia Landscape Project ( is an award-winning, longitudinal action research project, which began in 1987. The WPLP mission is to restore nature and rebuild community through strategic design, planning, and education projects. Through our experience in West Philadelphia’s Mill Creek watershed, we seek to demonstrate how to create human settlements that are healthier, more economical to build and maintain, more resilient, more beautiful, and more just.

WPLP has no client in the conventional sense. We work with partners who wish to collaborate — community gardeners, teachers and children, public officials — and make the results freely available. WPLP has produced new knowledge about city design and development. It has changed lives and landscapes in Philadelphia and inspired new programs around the world. Hear some of our stories.

Explore the chronology of events across more than 30 years:

West Philadelphia Landscape Project

West Philadelphia Landscape Project

The West Philadelphia Landscape Project (WPLP) is a landmark of urban design, watershed management, environmental and design education, and commu 閱讀更多
