Chu-Toi was created as part of this month's BIG Gimmick, a reoccurring character design challenge. Illustrators are free to create their character however they like. The only rule is it had to be based off the chosen theme for the month and turned in by the fifteenth of that month. 

The BIG Gimmick theme for April was Demons. I worked the image up of my demon, Chu-Toi, from start to finish in Adobe Illustrator on my Wacom Cintiq using the brush tool with the pressure setting active. In my previous gimmicks I showed the steps in my creation process, but on this character, I won't be able to do that, since I went right into the creation process with tight lines and color. I didn't have any real goal in mind for this character other than creating a demon that I would classify as cute-ugly... cutugly... cugly? Well, you know what I mean. Like the bulldog of demons.  Also a shout out to my buddy, Kevin Myers, who created the Demon logo for this month's event. Thanks, brother.
For anyone who is interested in being part of the BIG Gimmick monthly character challenge, stop by the BIG Gimmick Facebook page and request to join in.
BIG Gimmick: Chu-Toi



BIG Gimmick: Chu-Toi

The BIG Gimmick theme for April was Demons. I worked the image up of my demon, Chu-Toi, from start to finish in Adobe Illustrator on my Wacom Cin 閱讀更多
