Profilo di Merylle Baquerfo

Singapore Bienalle and Goodman Arts Centre Reflection

Goodman Arts Centre

Visiting the local artist in Goodman Arts Centre made me more knowledgeable and inspired as I got to see their various studio spaces. Goodman Arts Centre used to be the main campus of Lasalle College of the Arts till it got moved to the new campus at McNally St.

The Arts Centre housed different studio spaces for artist like Han Sai Por and Melissa Tan. Being in their studios gave me a sense of what it felt like to have my very own space to do my art projects.  It amused me how each of the artist studios we visited encaptured their own style not just with their artworks but as well as how their organization and decoration.

The overall experience that I got was eye-opening and someday, I too would want my very own studio space surrounded by fellow artist with different experiences.

Singapore Biennale

This year’s Singapore Biennale featured many artist, that ranged from the local Singaporean artist to artist from around the neighboring countries here in Asia. Walking around the Gallery spaces I had the artist guide book in my hand and read some of them as I ventured through the different art exhibitions. Not only did I look at the artist works, I actually read their statements and description about the works they exhibited which I found very informative.

Artist like Dex Fernandez and Made Djirna were some of the artist that I got interested in. Seeing their works inspired me to think deeper in terms of creating my artwork. Their works goes beyond different perspective which made their works significant to me.

The trip to Singapore Bienalle was definitely worth the trip as I got to bring back new knowledge and add in new names to the list of my artist references.
Singapore Bienalle and Goodman Arts Centre Reflection

Singapore Bienalle and Goodman Arts Centre Reflection


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