Dansville, NY - School Bus drags little girl 900 ft.  Cartoon depicts a school bus dragging a little girl in first frame, and the split frame is the girl in hospital recuperating and the driver in jail.    College project inspired from a newspaper article.
NYC Department of Education Word Ban - Bloomberg and the NYC Chancellor decided there were words inappropriate for use in testing in NYC schools.   Cartoon depicts tugboat taking banned words to Exile (Ellis) Island.   College Illustration Project - Inspired by an article in a NYC Teacher Publication.
Obama Wanted Poster -  College Illustration Project - Inspired by internet news article. Britian's first Muslim Lord, Lord Nazir, places $10 million bounty on Obama.
The state of the American Dollar.  - Inspired by a political conversation with my nephew.  - Just my creative processes at work.
The Greek/Polish Linguist -  Inspired by a conversation with my girlfriend where we created the word scrotash. Scrotash is a combination of the words scrotum and bash.  Something to do when someone really aggravates you.   I drew this quick cartoon as a joke about our conversation.


Various cartoons I have drawn
