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"Double Triops" - 《六眼二郎》Character Design

"Double Triops" - 《六眼二郎》
     Character Design

Triops, Barker, Grotesque Triangle, Lindara, Combie, Fat Wai, Calabash, Flying Head, Toteman
____________________Triops | 三眼二郎神____________________
The story main character Triops (二郎神) is a well known Taoism god in Chinese society. The 3nd eye on his forehead is his icon. He is one of the best fighters in the heaven so he is arrogant. However, shortsightedness makes him trobles. He has a dog call Barker (哮天犬) who help him to search ghosts.

Generally the character has two modes, normal and crazy, in the animation. The different between two modes are the appearance, motion and lighting.

The pair of glasses is the signature of the different Triops.
______________________Barker | 哮天犬______________________
Barker is a supporting character in the story. The Triops's dog responsiable for searching ghosts. It is stupid so it is dirty and less care by his host Triops.
Besides, its motion is slow and clumsy. However, when Triops needs help, it will be heroic and try its best to help him.

"哮天" in Chinese means barking sharply. In the story, Barker’s special power is restraining ghost power by barking. Sound equipments were suitable because their function are similar to Barker special power. Thus, speaker and dog was combined. Dachshund (臘腸犬) body shape is small and long like a speaker so It seemed able to max together.
______________Grotesque Triangle | 詭眼三角______________
The Grotesque Triangle is the symbol of the story since the problem is from it.

The bloody eye with strong sense of danger and horror with weird purple light is the object who bring the pair of glasses out. The natual is neutral since It just provides special power for user. But the cost is the blind user's eyes.
_____________________Lindara | 釘靈小鬼____________________
Lindara is designed for showing how horrible the grotesque triangle is. Since the drawback of using it will cost blind eyes. For the sake of emphasis it, the character eye have to draw audience attention. So Lindara’s eyes demand big area.

The character was finally referenced from a rabbit because it can let it be cute and lovely. The difficulty is creating a horror character with cute looking. So its color is sharp and high saturation to let it look more eye catching. Their stagings also show their personality and sex.

The original design of "Lindara" is "釘靈國民", a ghost from "The collection of Mountain and Sea" (山海經).
Lindara is designed to be cute ghosts to attract audience. The reason of setting up them is because I found that little mascots always appear in some famous animations like “Despicable me” and “Toy Story”. So I try to add characters like little green man and yellow workers
______________________Combie | 相柳_______________________
Cambie is another ghost with many legs. Although Cambie is a ghost, its nature is kind and low lethality. The chicken heated ghost usually runs away when problems come. Since the character is not aimed to horror threat people, the ball on his body was reorganized to be more regular. It can let it be more natural.

The original cambie is 「相柳」 from "The collection of Mountain and Sea" (山海經). It is a ghost with many heads. The elements were picked to Cambie apply the “Trypophobia” pattern into it to let it be more disgusting.
______________________Fat Wai | 肥遺______________________
Fat Wai is a two tails snake shaped ghost. It is elastic and fast on the ground. The cover on his head is a Chinese lantern to protect it. People are difficult to kill it besides hit his body. The calabash on the tail is for balance sake.

The original design of "Fat Wai" is "肥遺", a ghost from "The collection of Mountain and Sea" (山海經). The use of lantern is because many Chinese ghost stories apply it with ghost fire as a symbol of horror thing.
_____________________Calabash | 并封_____________________
The flying Calabash looks heavy but it is light weight because of his body material.
The original of Calabash is “Calabash”. It highly used for Chinese feng shui issue. So it was modified to a calabash ghost and fly on the sky.

The original design of "Calabash" is "并封", a ghost from "The collection of Mountain and Sea" (山海經). The light weight material let it flies on the sky easily. But the two-sides heads causes it illusion of flying direction. So it looks dull and stupid.
___________________Flying Head | 刑天首___________________
Flying Head is "刑天" Head. "刑天" is a headless god who good at fighting. Actually his head was flied away after a secretive myth. Because of lacking physical supplies, It has no special power and it can only bouncs on the floor. How weak it is!

The concept of creating Flying Head is from a god call 「刑天」. It is a headless god and good at fight. Then his head now was modified to be a bouncing head with long beard.

The head design also look for the Japanese style. Although Japanese style is not really related to Chinese story, but there are some common elements. The flying head is referenced from Japanese General so his head is big and look like powerful.
_____________________Toteman | 圖騰妖_____________________
Toteman is a guest from The director's perivious work “The Plume”. He was a totam god. In “Double Triops”, he becomes a ghost and be killed rapidly.

Totem was a pros in "The Plume". Toteman was designed to be a mascot. To fit in the new story visual style, many pattern and details were hided.

"Double Triops" - 《六眼二郎》Character Design

"Double Triops" - 《六眼二郎》Character Design

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