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藝姿舞集-《默娘》 活動視覺規劃 YiTzy Folk Dance 2017Mazu

YiTzy Folk Dance Theatre - 2017 Mazu

Mo Niang dance performance which was choreographed at Yi Tze Folk 
Dance Theatre in 2016-2017, drew their inspirations from the Taiwanese 
folk story of Ma Zu. Ma Zu aka Mo Niang, is a Chinese sea goddess who spiritually portrays sustenance like a mother's unconditional love, according to many Taiwanese people.

Originally, the face of the Ma Zu statue was pale in skin tone. However, the burning of incense from worshippers over time has blackened the face of the statue in the Lu Er Men Temple. Hence, the reasoning behind the choice of the color black as the background for the Buddhist scroll style pamphlet with a golden outline (a symbol of brightness and futurism)to connect the direct link between dance and religion.

The outline of Ma Zu and her two guardians, Thousand Mile Eyes (meaning the ability to see a thousand miles away) and Wind Ears (meaning the ability to hear a thousand miles away)on the dance program pamphlet is the actual outline of the real life statues which are located in Lu Er Men Temple in Tainan (one of the oldest Ma Zu temples in Taiwan).

Work card combined with the temple's amulet

After the dance performance, you may Write your wishes on the blessings card

藝姿舞集-《默娘》 活動視覺規劃 YiTzy Folk Dance 2017Mazu

藝姿舞集-《默娘》 活動視覺規劃 YiTzy Folk Dance 2017Mazu

《默娘》是由藝姿舞集於2016年所主辦的年度舞作,取材自臺灣民間的信仰,講述媽祖的故事,在此《默娘》被詮釋為靜默不語的母親,大道不言地守護著祂的子民;臺灣媽祖原本膚色的臉,因信徒的香火鼎盛,神像經年累月的煙燻,最終形成「黑面」也是臺灣媽祖的特色之一,本作品以鹿耳門天后宮的媽祖神尊為本,使用 Se mer
