Forest Troll

A project I did for my Digital Illustration class. Given the base mesh, we were responsible to sculpt, detail, and texture the troll to completion. Mudbox and Photoshop were the main tools of use.  I wasn't happy with just completing the model, so I found a nice background to place the troll into. Final composite at the end!
 Normal Map, T-Pose
 Ambient Occlusion (Cavity), T-Pose
 Flat Diffuse, T-Pose
 Diffuse, Bump, AO (Full & Cavity), T-Pose
Turntable, T-Pose
 Diffuse, Bump, Specular, Composite Pose
 Base Material, Ambient Occlusion, Composite Pose
 Distance Map, Composite Pose
Final Composite 
Forest Troll

Forest Troll

Troll in Autodesk Mudbox.
