This drawing came up as a big metaphor of an ideal person.
Take the tree for example. The tree represents the person, and the several elements appearing on the draw are related to her. 
The hammer goes for justice and honesty, the orange relates to values of sharing, kindness and helping each other. 
As for the sea, it represents peace of mind, while the glasses are pointing to knowledge, wisdom and cepticism. 
The flowers are the inspiration, the bit of crazyness and everything that's not considered regular, A.K.A. weird.
 The roots are related to the senses which are the main basis of the formation and education of the human being. It's where the perception through the senses occurrs, eventually becoming learning and experience.
Besides that there is the watering can that goes for opportunities and the sun with the diferent patterns representing diferent cultures and mentalities coming together.
All of this gathers  in man's mind, being a part of who he is and that's how the brain came up.
As for the musical intruments, they are a really important part in my creative process, so I could never let them out.
One of a kind
One of a kind.

One of a kind.



Sectores creativos