Profil appartenant à Sofie Buyse

Modular furniture - sand casting

CO DESIGNED WITH An-Sofie Rombouts, Linn De Borger, Kiani De Strijcker and Emiel Tormans
Design goal

Gain knowledge in the strengths and weaknesses of a certain production technique. Making sure we are aware of the correct use of production techniques and the different possibilities or restrictions that one can come across during the design process. We received the production technique sandcasting
The concept

As a group we chose to design a 'do-it-yourself'-furniturepackage, with as little as possible components, in order to make a series of different products open for personalization. Each product is constructed by six equilateral triangles. This gives the user the freedom of choice between five different configurations which all lead to a modern and unique product.

The 6 triangles are put together with a connector and a "stopper". We wanted to insure that the assembling was a very easy and intuitive act. On the other hand, all the pieces would have to satisfy the conditions regarding the chosen production technique.
To make it all possible we made the choice to work with aluminium. It's a lightweight material and perfect when it comes to sand casting. It is impact-resistant, corrosion resistant and durable which is important because we want a sustainable product with a long lifespan. Moreover, the material is easy to process. Aluminum is a good heat conductor which is important to know because the faster the material cools, the more can be produced.
Modular furniture - sand casting
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Modular furniture - sand casting

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