Kat Lombard-Cook (Sicard)'s profile

Memories and Process: Daily Routines (2013)

Memories and Process: Daily Routines (2013)

For my process research, I'm doing work on memory. My PhD focuses on comics as a way to interrogate how we communicate via narratives. This year, I spent a lot of time analyzing how authors dealt with memory, specifically how they authenticated their childhood memories. This series is an examination of daily routines, starting at age 30 in 2013, and working back in 5 year increments. 

As I'm also interested in how comics communicate differently from other mediums, I thought it would be interesting to document some of these routines in other formats, like vine, prose, photo-essays, etc. I've formatted the comics for Team Girl Comic's webcomic (although they also live in a slightly augmented print format as well). I thought this would be a nice outlet for some of the work to reach a wider audience.

[Edit: I broke this up into two projects, as the first two entries ended up being quite different from the ensuing work, but stood as a pair on their own.]

Here is my current breakfast routine in comic, vine and instagram photo essay form. [All of which are based on this recipe: http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/overnight-blueberry-almond-oats/]

Comic version:
Second is my attempt at remembering something I did daily just 5 years ago, when I was 25. All I could think of was my drive to work and getting my Dunkin' Donuts on the way.

On my 25th birthday I made a decision to try to live healthier all around. I ended a relationship that had gone on past when we should have called it quits, I traded my pickup truck in for a Prius, and I started eating more 'real' food, or at least trying to. I still have my vices though, and when I'm back in the States, I still have my Dunks, but part of this thought behind this one is to show the change in the past 5 years.

Comic Version
Like the last one, also created an Instagram photo essay
Memories and Process: Daily Routines (2013)

Memories and Process: Daily Routines (2013)

comics about daily routines in 2013 and 2008


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