Beautiful problem to solve
In Argentina, more than 1 million families live in settlements with very poor housing conditions. Even though we are all aware
of this sad reality, most people turn their backs on the problem, making it very difficult to establish a commitment to collaborate with OGNs such as TECHO. One of the reasons this happens, is that generally we can´t corroborate where the help ends up,
we don´t see it materialized.
pivotal IDEA
When kids draw their house, no matter where they live, they draw their dreamed house, a fairy tale house. In a child’s drawing you will never see a one-bedroom apartment or, a poor hut, not even a country side mansion. Beyond structure, a child’s right to have a roof over their head shouldn’t be left only for dreams. This is why we are going to take the drawing of a child who lives in a settlement with precarious conditions, and make it real.
how does it work?
As we grow up we stop believing that it’s possible to change someone´s life or reality. That´s why we are first going to build the scrawl house in a very crowded and public area of the city (Buenos Aires) and then, later on, we will take it on the settlement.
We are going to invite people to collaborate with donations to transform that house into a home in which any boy or girl can grow their dreams. We will generate content to be shared on social media, inviting people to collaborate with donations through an online system.
behavour to change
We are going to make people stop ignoring poor settlements and all the problems people who live there have; and to get involved by donating or volunteering.
pivotal moment
When people see the outdoor activation and when the activation goes viral on social media.


The first house designed by a kid
