In Time: Delivery Service website

In Time. Case Study.

«In Time» is the second largest delivery service in Ukraine.
Along with updating its brand identity, back in 2016, we designed a completely new adaptive website.
Brighter, simpler, tailored for everyday use.  

Tracking your delivery

Delivery tracking is the most frequently used service (87% of user sessions).
Now it is available on every page with just one click.

Nearby, My Delivery, Calculator

The new website is designed to suit user’s needs—calculating delivery price, finding nearby post offices or checking and managing your delivery. 

Guides & Documentation

The website is a living structure. This is why we’ve created a dedicated place for documentation and design guides. As the website evolves the guides can be easily kept up to date.




Easy Sign In

Now, to sign up, there is no need to «create an account» or fill  in any forms.
Just sign in with your phone number and SMS-password, and you're in!

All Your Deliveries

When you track any delivery (or create a template for one) it is automatically saved to your Deliveries page. Here information can be displayed in two ways: as cards or as a table, for both regular and pro users.  

Designed by Madcats Agency in Kyiv

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In Time: Delivery Service website