The Brief
Put Arjowiggins Creative Papers at the heart of a campaign, initiative, product or service for Facebook and remind digital customers of the power of paper.

The Concept
A digital footprint is the data that is left behind by users on digital services. There are two main classifications for digital footprints: passive and active. An internet footprint is the information left behind as a result of a user’s web-browsing, stored as cookies. 

Bring the ‘facebook footprint’ to the attention of it’s users, educating them, and putting statistics and numerical information into perspective through the medium of paper.
Post Publish Print is a collaborative exhibition from Facebook and Arjowiggins that introduces paper as a physical touchpoint to illustrate the Invisible Data Trail. Viewers are encouraged to explore the online existence of three users, connected in the real world as Mother, Daughter and Sister. This existence is visualised through paper, with interjections of colour that offer a more personal insight into online interactions between the three.
A single stack explores the users’ lifetime on Facebook:

- The height of the stack represents how long the user has had an account. 
- The size of the paper used in the stack reflects how many friends the user has.
- A variety of Arjowiggins Creative Papers are used within the stacks to represent how privacy changes over time; thinner sheets         suggest a more ‘pubic’ view of information, thicker sheets allow for more ‘privacy’.
- Coloured paper inserts throughout the stacks visualise communications between the three people online.

On arrival to the exhibition the viewers will be given this catalogue introducing both local and global Facebook statistics. It offers information as they explore the exhibition, and can be taken away as a resource. The colour key will be tipped-in to the catalogue so that it is not only informative, but can also double up as paper samples of Arjowiggins Creative Papers. Any white imagery throughout will be embossed to show the beauty and versatility of paper.
The promotion introduces insights from Facebook and Arjowiggins; using their paper and treating each piece of print as a paper sample. The page is ‘split’ in two, the smaller, inside crop representing Facebook users in 2006 and proportionally, the larger, outside section representing users in 2016. It will be printed across the whole range, any colour, texture and size. The same concept is also explored online, digitally and through the delivery of the invite to the Private View.
D&AD Arjowiggins

D&AD Arjowiggins

Post Publish Print is a collaborative exhibition from Facebook and Arjowiggins that introduces paper as a physical touchpoint to illustrate the Read More
