We can’t see stars on the day, but we can when the night comes. In this life, we also treat some things like that particularly to other people who are close to us. Sometimes we're taking other people in our life for granted. Treating them like seeing only their value when we needed them, when we are on our darkest moments and then suddenly compromised them when we are on a sunny moment. Instead of that mindset which is only focusing on the eye level, we should also treat other people who are close to us like the stars as well. Having a glance and acknowledge their beautiful light in their midst of their darkness.
Looking in the night sky we see stars, and then we learn to appreciate them and see stars as the foundation of something greater. Connecting all together and form a particular shape. Life is like that. There's a lot of happenings and circumstances that has been scattered all around us which we don’t understand on what is the connection of it in our lives. But eventually when we look back and see life in a greater perspective, we suddenly realize that those uncertain and pleasant or unpleasant happenings and circumstances in our lives was connected, linking to each other and can create a wonderful experience.
Life is a never ending exploration. It is just like exploring the universe. There is always something else to discover. We have to go, see and understand it because it is the essence of the human spirit. It is going beyond our borders and fly high as much as we wanted for the sake of exploring and curiosity, but we have to remind ourselves and recognize that it may benefit us or harm us. Just like what Neil deGrasse Tyson said that “The day we stop exploring is the day we commit ourselves to live in a stagnant world, devoid of curiosity, empty dreams”.
Ideas and Imagination is the beginning of creation. Imagining your desire and create its action will assure you to fulfill it. Life is full of choices so when we choose on the things that we wanted to do, it becomes creation on our own. When we have perspective in creating, we tend to exercise our concentration. It requires a process first and then we eventually see what we will accomplish.
We all know that we are living in this world but we have to realize that we can be in our own universe and create our own world or should I say our own exoplanet. Exoplanet are planets beyond our solar system. In relation to that, it is like knowing our true identity and just being the real you beyond your knowledge or whether in and out of your comfort zone. Exoplanets are hard to find and It is unique on its own. We are unique on our own way. No matter how we are different or hard to understand by others, we can never be easily insecure because we know in ourselves that we are secure in who we are and what we are in heart and in soul.


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