Land of the Midnight Sun is a game project started in Oulu Game Lab in spring 2017. During my game making studies I learned a lot about game industry, what it takes to make games and what is the role of marketing in game making.

There was a social media contest among the game projects (5 different projects). The winner would be the project which would get the most likers for their Facebook page. And of course we won!

I did the marketing for our project, which meant in this project managing our social media channel, creating content such as videos and photographs, designing marketing materials such as flyers and posters and updating our webpage. 

In our team we had game artist, who did most of the art for the game. I also used that art and the concept art in our social media channels and marketing materials. 

What I did 
- social media channels content (check out our Facebook page )
- video filming 
- video editing 
- webpage design (WordPress) 
- marketing plan
- business model canvas
- designed the business cards, which were laser cut on plywood

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Land of the Midnight Sun

Land of the Midnight Sun

Land of the Midnight Sun is a story-driven adventure game without text or dialogue
